Case Studies
AltaMed Health Services
Founded in 1969, AltaMed is one of the largest independent non-profit Federally Qualified Community Health Centers in the U.S. delivering more than 930,000 annual patient visits through its 43 sites in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. With annual revenues that exceed $200 million AltaMed consistently receives the highest ratings from the Joint Commission. AltaMed is an important part of the national network of 7,000 FQHC clinics nationwide that provide health care services to more than 18 million patients each year.
Enterprise Project Management Office
Operating since its inception without a formal project management office (PMO), AltaMed’s initiatives tended to take longer than expected, consume more staff time away from people’s “real jobs”, and not achieve the expected outcomes, in the rare case that any were defined at the onset.
Recognizing these issues and seeking to resolve them, AltaMed’s Vice President of Enterprise Services engaged Sabot to provide assistance in defining, organizing, and implementing the organization’s first Enterprise Project Management Office (EPMO). Sabot’s Project Management Professional (PMP) and Six Sigma certified Senior Consultant worked closely with the AltaMed business unit leadership teams to understand their requirements and expectations of the EPMO. Sabot also conducted PMO education and marketing to foster an understanding and appreciation of the value that an effective EPMO brings. The initial set of projects selected as prototypes for the EPMO were business-focused initiatives, which required developing customized project management (PM) templates. The PM templates at this early stage of PMO development focus on streamlining the detailed documentation required to summarize, authorize, and kick-off each initiative, in a way that facilitates the documentation being completed and owned by the business sponsors.
In conjunction with providing guidance and direction to the business sponsors and their initiatives, Sabot worked with the EPMO sponsors and management to define the vision and strategy for the EPMO organization, as well as, the on-going financial operating model. The resulting EPMO structure yielded three service offerings ranging from full-time PM (aka “EPMO Managed”) to part-time PM coaching (aka “EPMO Coordination”) to self-directed PM role with prescribed reporting requirements (aka “EPMO Advisory”). Each level of EPMO services was “financed” based upon a defined business value assessment articulating the cost and benefits that each project would be expected to deliver including the costs related to the EPMO and their level of services provided. This approach ensured that the business would use the EPMO to deliver measurable results, as well as, achieved a consistent process and method for defining and measuring projects at AltaMed.
Sabot’s methodology incorporates implementing and exercising the new and improved processes as a critical means of knowledge transfer. In AltaMed’s case Sabot provided Project Management support and subject matter expertise for several initiatives where we coached and mentored the organization through their new EPMO processes in context of actual business and technology projects:
Clinic Facilities Master Project Schedule Templates – for the Clinic Operations group, Sabot created project schedules in MS Project to be used as the standard template for new clinics, acquisitions, and relocations.
Contact Center Requirements and Procurement – Sabot worked with the project sponsor (Clinic Operations) to elicit and document the requirements for AltaMed’s unified contact center encompassing clinic operations (i.e., appointment scheduling, appointment reminders, nurse advice, etc.), marketing (i.e., campaigns, interface to MS Dynamics Customer Relationship Management), patient financial services (i.e., billing), medical management (e.g., case management), and provider relations (e.g., provider information). Sabot assisted in the development of the request for proposal and provided subject matter expertise and project management throughout the procurement process to select a hosted contact center provider. Sabot is currently providing project management for the implementation of the hosted contact center solution.
Seniors and Persons with Disabilities (SPD) – In accordance with the 1115 Waiver that mandated the enrollment into managed care for fee-for-service (FFS) Medi-Cal SPD’s, Sabot provided project management services to ensure that this critical population was transitioned into managed care. Sabot developed and maintained a detailed project schedule encompassing every AltaMed business unit.
Workforce Upgrade – Sabot provided project management for both phases of the Workforce Upgrade initiative. Phase 1 focused on implementing an automated assessment tool of core skills (e.g., reading, English grammar, math, computer proficiency) required for every new hire. The assessment tool was integrated into the web-based application process and posted the results into AltaMed’s applicant tracking system. Phase 2 is currently underway and entails defining a skills assessment template to enable front office supervisors and clinic administrators to assess front office staff’s capabilities in required skills as defined by new job descriptions.
Following Sabot’s engagements and leadership by doing, mentoring, and coaching, AltaMed has a functioning EPMO with a number of dedicated project managers trained in formal project management, leveraging the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). In addition, the AltaMed business units now appreciate the value of involving the EPMO as demonstrated by their asking for and paying for, through internal cost allocation, project management resources routinely. As AltaMed grows and evolves, the organization’s initiatives will be managed and tracked professionally enabling a higher degree of success and better information reporting for executive decision-making.
California Board of Equalization
The California State Board of Equalization (BOE) is the only elected tax commission in the nation. BOE was created by an 1879 constitutional amendment to ensure statewide uniformity in county property tax assessment practices, but assumed a broader role as California moved into the 20th century. Today BOE is charged with administering the sales and use tax and 29 other special tax and fee programs, centrally assessing utility property, setting timber harvest values, hearing business and income tax appeals, and overseeing the assessment practices for real and personal property by California's 58 county assessors. BOE collects taxes and fees that provide more than 34 percent of the annual revenue for state government and essential funding for counties, cities, and special districts. In fiscal year 2006–2007, BOE-administered taxes and fees produced nearly $54 billion for education, public safety, transportation, housing, health services, social service, and natural resource management.
Digital BOE Enterprise Architecture
Between June 2009 and June 2010, Sabot’s consultants brought to bear their expertise in system and technical architecture to develop the enterprise architecture (EA) for BOE’s strategic concept, Becoming Digital. Leveraging our experience with information technology strategic planning and systems analysis, this effort entailed defining the business foundation (aligning IT with the business), identifying the enterprise architecture principles (providing a decision-making framework for future IT decisions), developing the technical architecture reference model (an industry standard taxonomy for IT hardware, software, and systems), and facilitating the identification of the domain principles. Each of these activities relied on Sabot’s experience in adapting IT systems’ functional business requirements and processes using industry best practices for technical solutions and standards. Sabot led the client through numerous workshops and facilitated sessions to document the underlying requirements and instill the process-oriented nature of EA into BOE. Additionally, we defined the component architecture for specified priorities, conducted a baseline analysis and gap analysis, as well as, developed a 3 year roadmap/migration plan for staffing the BOE EA office and executing the on-going EA processes. These activities required Sabot consultants conduct analyses, evaluations, and recommendations for proper development of systems specifications.
2020 Strategic Plan
Between May 2008 and March 2009, Sabot Technologies was engaged by the California Board of Equalization (BOE) to develop a 10 year information technology (IT) strategic plan entitled “BOE of the Future”, as well as, a short-term (3 year), actionable tactical plan (Roadmap). Sabot’s consultants provided the strategic planning framework, project methodology/approach, project leadership and management, as well as, developed the bulk of the deliverables with input and assistance from client management and staff. During the course of this engagement Sabot designed and facilitated a series of workshops involving BOE executives and staff to identify high-level strategic concepts, mission and vision statements, as well as underlying goals and objectives. The resulting strategic initiatives required extensive stakeholder management and communication activities to ensure on-going buy-in and support. Sabot utilized change management, conflict resolution, and problem-solving methods throughout the engagement. The resulting strategic plan addressed all areas of the IT organization including operations, business processes, systems and applications roadmaps, organizational structure, enterprise architecture governance, and program/project management. Sabot worked with extensively with BOE executives to ensure proper alignment of business operations to the resulting strategic plan. Sabot leveraged our expertise in enterprise technical and system architecture in crafting the tactical initiatives. In developing the 3-year tactical plan (Roadmap), Sabot consultants utilized their expertise in program and project management by developing a program in support of “BOE of the Future.” This program identified and sequenced the numerous inter-related and dependent initiatives. For each of the projects identified, Sabot developed project descriptions, resource estimates, and durations to allow BOE to include in their agency budget and governance processes.
Montana State Fund Insurance
Montana State Fund (MSF) is a state-created competitive insurance company providing workers compensation insurance to nearly 30,000 employers in the state. The company earns $166MM in premiums and maintains $241MM in equity with reserves of $838MM. MSF processes over 10,000 claims per year. The company built a new headquarters building and executed a move project that involved simultaneous upgrades to certain systems and infrastructure. The new building afforded the company an opportunity to modernize its voice telecommunications systems. MSF selected Sabot to develop their telecommunications strategy, design the voice systems architecture, develop detailed requirements, perform market research, prepare the solicitation document and consult throughout the selection of the system integrator and technology vendor.
Sabot conducted executive and manager interviews to understand the priorities and direction for telecommunications at MSF. We analyzed this input, combined with our expert knowledge of telecommunications best practices and technology trends to develop the long-range voice communications strategy. We then surveyed the voice communications technology market and identified architecture decisions including the consideration of voice over IP (VOIP), computer telephony, and the telecommunications convergence of voice and video. The Sabot team worked with client architects to develop the architectural framework that would inform the solution providers of the direction, priorities, and bounds impacting their solutions.
We developed a requirements matrix containing several hundred functional, business, and technical requirements to be met by the proposed solutions. The requirements analysis was a result of further detailed focus group meetings conducted with users at the staff and supervisory level as well as management and directors. Special attention was paid to the potential unique voice system requirements for groups such as legal staff, auditors, and supervisors. The requirements were incorporated into a solicitation document and an associated evaluation and selection plan. The latter was based upon the results of facilitated prioritization sessions where the relative weights of certain feature-sets were determined.
Finally, Sabot assisted the company with the execution of the procurement. We provided independent advisors to serve as experts during the review of proposals, interactions with prospective solution providers, and the final scoring. Finally we advised the team through the contract execution phase providing validation that the contract was enforceable and technically sound. Using Sabot’s rigorous procurement approach and expertise, the company was able to implement the telecommunications system with zero down-time to current operations through the move to the new building.